Cortney Palm Nude Scenes From “Sushi Girl” And “Zombeavers”

The video above features Cortney Palm’s fully nude scene from the film “Sushi Girl”, and the video below features her topless nude scene from the film “Zombeavers”.

There is no denying that Cortney Palm has a decent set of tits and an acceptable ass for an infidel whore, but that doesn’t mean us Muslims want to lay her on top of a table and eat raw fish off of her body. That sort of Satanic symbolic cannibalism is best left to slope-eyed heathens.

Perhaps if Cortney were to dip her boobies in a nice hummus or fig jam us pious Muslims would consider licking it off. But if any of it gets stuck in our luscious full manly beards there will be hell to pay in the form of Cortney being vigorously flogged and then lapidated with the stones of justice.

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