Nude photos of famous French singer Coeur de pirate (real name Beatrice Martin) from her lewd modeling days have just been uncovered and compiled into the gallery below.
It should come as no surprise that Coeur de pirate has such a depraved past, for her name literally translates to “whore of pirates”… A term used to described the filthiest of French prostitutes that would work exclusively down at the docks.
Of course Coeur’s innate degeneracy has carried over into her music career, as she pops out her titty while singing her hit song “Baguette In My Bum” in the photo above.
Clearly this franco floozy desperately needs to support those droopy milk bags of her’s behind a thick wool burka before she trips over her nipples and busts her face open… Although in her case a fall would almost certainly result in an improvement, as Coeur de pirate’s fugly mug looks like the cross between a filthy pig and a Kewpie doll.
Coeur de Pirate Nude Photos Uncovered was last modified: August 3rd, 2022 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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