Cobie Smulders Daydreaming About Sex

Cobie Smulders

“How I Met Your Mother” star Cobie Smulders was caught on video daydreaming about sex in the GIF below.

Cobie Smulders sex

Cobie Smulders needs to realize that impure thoughts are just as bad as impure actions. Just because Cobie is simply imagining getting her holes filled in this GIF does not make it any less of a sin. In fact one could argue that a woman fantasizing about sex is worse, as she is deriving sinful sexual pleasure without providing any to a man as is her duty.

Yes Cobie Smulders daydreaming about sex in this GIF is certainly a hearsay, and a excellent illustration of why it is so important to circumcise women. For without their sinful lady bit being hacked off and replaced with scar tissue, women simply can not control their disgusting and blasphemous sexual desires.

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