Claire Milligan & Serra Naiman Nude In “Goldilocks and the Two Bears”

Clarie Milligan Serra Naiman nude

The video below features actresses Claire Milligan and Serra Naiman’s full frontal nude scenes from the film “Goldilocks and the Two Bears”.

Us pious Muslims kept waiting for some righteous bears to come maul these two degenerate minxes… But unfortunately in this film Claire and Sara are the lesbo “bears”, and “goldilocks” is no doubt the name of strap-on that they use to violate each others lady homes.

Yes, leave it to the Zionists in heathen Hollywood to defile a classic tale about a nosy woman getting her comeuppance in a violent bear attack, by reimagining it in such a demonically depraved manner with a couple of frumpy looking lesbodykes.

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