Chanel West Coast Double Nip Slips Vids And Thong Bikini Pics

Chanel West Coast ass bikini

Rapper and star of MTV’s “Ridiculousness” Chanel West Coast slips out her nipples two times in the Snapchat videos below…

And flaunts her meaty ass in a thong bikini while relaxing with her crew of ratchet hoes in the photos below.


Chanel West Coast Chanel West Coast Chanel West Coast
Chanel West Coast Chanel West Coast Chanel West Coast
Chanel West Coast Chanel West Coast Chanel West Coast
Chanel West Coast Chanel West Coast Chanel West Coast

Looking at Chanel West Coast’s nipples one can almost see the grill marks from the dirt skin nig nogs that she bangs gnawing on them. And of course Chanel’s ass has no doubt been the final resting place for more potential black babies then the floor of a Planned Parenthood in Oakland.

Just looking at these pics of Chanel with her hood rat whores is enough to give you a nasty case of both herpes and antibiotic resistant gonorrhea. Thank Allah I always surf the Web with a condom on… For one can never be too safe, and I find that the sensation is mostly the same.

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