Scarlett Johansson Unveils Her New Costume For ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ At Comic Con

Scarlett Johansson Avengers cleavage

Scarlett Johansson gave the basement dwelling mouthbreathers at Comic Con a thrill today when she unveiled this still of her new “Black Widow” costume from the much anticipated blockbuster “Avengers: Age Of Ultron”.

As you can see, this new Black Widow costume appears to be slightly more revealing then the one from the first Avengers movie, and should coincide nicely with Scarlett Johansson’s expanded role in the film as the Avengers resident f*ck toy (as seen in this Hulk sex scene and this anal with Captain America still).

Yes Scarlett Johansson’s new bosomy Black Widow costume will certainly please the degenerate infidel movie-going public. Theaters throughout the Western world will no doubt be packed with nerds panting heavily as they stuff their bloated acne riddled faces with candy and popcorn, and watch Scarlett bounce around with her tits out sexually servicing the real superheros in “Avengers: Age of Ultron”.

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