Rachel Bilson Photo Shoot Outtakes

Rachel Bilson

Look at these outtakes from a photo shoot with Rachel Bilson and you may notice something pretty remarkable. When Rachel Bilson isn’t wearing 30 damn layers of clothes she has an amazingly bangable body.

Now I’m all for women covering up, but you have to draw the line somewhere. I mean at least with a burka you can get an idea of the girl’s ass and bust, but when Rachel Bilson heads out you can usually not see anything but a head sticking out of a block of clothes.

Rachel Bilson is a good Muslim girl who tries to suppress her sex appeal so that she does not cause impure thoughts in the males around her. However, Allah blessed her with such a great body that it is blasphemous of her to keep it covered as much as she does. I am sure Allah would not be displeased if she showed a little ankle now and then or if her tit pops out… whichever.


Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson
Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson
Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson
Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson
Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson Rachel Bilson
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