Megan Fox In A Bikini To Distract From Transformers 3

Megan Fox bikini

They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and after being scorned by “Transformers” director Michael Bay when he fired her from the series, Megan Fox took her revenge by appearing on a beach in a tiny bikini.

It is obvious by Megan Fox’s lily white skin that she does not wear a bikini often. However, with the release of “Transformers 3” being just 9 days away, Megan is obviously desperate to grab headlines and distract the public. Of course the only way Megan Fox knows how to get attention is to prostitute her body on camera, and that is just what she is doing in these bikini pictures.

Megan Fox is hoping that by whoring it up in a bikini she can distract the horny infidel masses long enough that they forget to go see “Transformers 3”, thus getting her revenge against Michael Bay. We’ll have to wait and see if it works.


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