Katy Perry has never looked better as she gets down on her hands and knees and sticks her hands in some dirt in the photos below.
Whether it is scrubbing the floors, praying to Allah, or getting her anus stretched by a Muslim’s mighty man meat, being on all fours is the most natural, versatile, and halal position for a woman to be in and Katy Perry does it pretty well for a first timer in these pics.
Of course being a novice at prostrating herself, Katy Perry did make one crucial error by not wearing the burka and duct taping her shameful bulbous boobies down. For there is nothing that ruins this pious posture faster than the nauseating sight of some engorged danging lady sacks. Although this error is easily corrected with a few stern strikes about the hindquarters with a bundle of stiff Nile reeds.
Katy Perry Bent Over On Her Hands And Knees was last modified: September 9th, 2015 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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