Before striking it rich as the “Queen of YouTube” with over 17 million subscribers, Jenna Marbles was a go-go dancer (which is just a fancy way of saying a girl who gets paid a lot less than a stripper to flail around onstage on ecstasy), and aspiring model in Boston. Amazingly Celeb Jihad researchers in Riyadh were able to uncover the extremely rare compilation video above of Jenna go-go dancing, as well as the extensive collection of her flaunting her tits and ass in her early days modeling photos below.
As you can see Jenna Marbles is what is known as “Boston hot”… Which is to say she is an ugly whore with a bitchy attitude.
Of course Jenna is something of an icon to “butter face” girls everywhere. For despite having a mug not fit to appear in a calendar for a tire shop, Jenna has somehow managed to achieve fame and fortune off of her looks. Truly the early days of YouTube were a wild and weird time.
Jenna Marbles Tits, Ass, And Go-Go Dancing Video was last modified: November 12th, 2021 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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