Catalina Rodriguez Nude Spanking Scene From “Magic City”

Catalina Rodriguez nude

The video below features Catalina Rodriguez’s nude spanking scene from the TV series “Magic City” color-corrected and enhanced.

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As a virile Muslim man who has had over two dozen wives (nearly half of whom have not escaped the compound), I can not stress enough the importance of spanking women. For the female mind is feeble and base by nature, and thus prone to wander aimlessly down dark directions… And so a firm slap on the rump snaps them out of their sinful daydreams, and back to the task at hand.

Catalina Rodriguez ass

Just take Catalina Rodriguez in this nude scene for example… For as soon as she got her ass smacked she immediately went off to the bathroom to finish cleaning it… And she forgot all about being dressed as a half naked ship’s captain.

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