Cara Delevingne Nude In Esquire

Cara Delevingne nude

Model, actress, and lesbodyke Cara Delevingne poses nude in the black and white photos below from the new issue of Esquire magazine.

Esquire claims that Cara Delevingne is the “face of her generation”, and if her face was multi-racial and fat that statement may be true in the heathen Western world. However, the only thing us Muslims find even remotely pleasing about Cara Delevingne face’s is her dark big bushy eyebrows.

If Cara’s nude body was covered in a nice thick layer of erotic pubic hair similar to that of her eyebrows then she would be a woman worth desiring. As it is now Cara’s body is shamefully bare, and completely unworthy of being violently penetrated by a Muslim’s mighty meat scimitar. Although I am flattered that she has my initials (DD) tattooed on her right hip, and the number of apostates I’ve personally put to death this year (12) next to her right titty.


Cara Delevingne Cara Delevingne Cara Delevingne
Cara Delevingne Cara Delevingne Cara Delevingne

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