Cara Delevingne Deleted Topless Video

Cara Delevingne “accidentally” posted and then quickly deleted the topless video above from her Instagram.

Just when us Muslims started thinking that Cara may be a halal woman after she caused Zionist Hollywood to lose tens of millions on her crappy box office flop of a movie “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets”, she goes and does something like this… And proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is! For not only does Cara Delevingne possess beautiful big bushy eyebrows, but she also has a pleasingly unfeminine chest.

Cara Delevingne nude bath

Add to that Cara’s status as a “bisexual”, and one could rest at ease knowing that she would fit in well in a harem. She would even provide savings on water (an expensive commodity in any desert palace oasis), as she is quite comfortable bathing with other whores.

Cara Delevingne naked

Yes with her androgynous boobs and taut boyish ass, Cara has much to offer a discerning Muslim man. If the pubic bush between her legs is as rich and full as her eyebrows would suggest, than she will fetch many dinars when put up for auction at the Riyadh slave market.

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