Britney Spears Playing With Her Nipples And Flaunting Her Tight Ass

Britney Spears nipples

Britney Spears was caught on camera playing with her nipples in the recently color-corrected and enhanced behind-the-scenes video clip from her 2007 “Gimmie More” music video shoot below.

If Britney tweaking her tit toppers while on set like this does not prove that she is not only an extreme degenerate but also a raving lunatic then I don’t know what will.

Britney Spears ass

However, that isn’t to say that Britney Spears is without utility. For we can see from her muscular back and sturdy tight round hindquarters in the thong photos above that she is a fine specimen of female livestock that would do well out in the fields. One simply has to convince the voices in Britney’s head that her father doesn’t want her to pull the plow, and this nutty slut will no doubt till many hectares of earth.

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