Beyonce Shows The Maximum Amount Of Side Boob

Beyonce side boob

Beyonce shows the maximum amount of her bulbous mocha side boob possible without just simply whipping out her full titty in the disturbing photos below.

By wearing this fur and having her primitive brown boobies out flapping in the breeze, Beyonce must be flashing back to being out in her ancestral homeland on the Serengeti. No doubt if a gazelle happened by at this event, Beyonce would try to pounce on it, stab it with her high-heeled shoe, and then drag it back to her mud hut to drink its blood.

Yes these Beyonce side boob photos just go to show that you can take the uncivilized she-boon out of the African Savanna but you can’t take the African Savanna out of the she-boon… And not just because Beyonce probably has AIDS, flies circling her head, and a taste for United Nations supplied rice balls.


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