Bella Thorne’s Nipples Are Too Damn High

Bella Thorne nipples

The plastic surgeon who stapled Bella Thorne’s nipples back on after pumping her chest cavity full of silicone must have been drunk, for as you can see in the see through photo above Bella’s nips are too damn high.

Bella Thorne meme

Of course leave it to a delusional whore like Bella Thorne to be completely oblivious to the fact that her Frankenstein nipples are a shameful sight, as she proudly parades them around the streets of Los Angeles while braless in a sheer top in the pics below.


Bella Thorne Bella Thorne Bella Thorne
Bella Thorne Bella Thorne Bella Thorne
Bella Thorne Bella Thorne Bella Thorne

Unfortunately Bella’s sickening tit topper display did not stop there, as she also briefly flashes one of her monstrous areola while flaunting her body in the video below.

Rest assured that when Islam finishes conquering the West, one of the first things we will do is hack off Bella’s nips with a scimitar and attach them to her forehead so that they can serve as a bull’s-eye during her stoning.

Bella Thorne Topless Tit Slip On Snapchat

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