America’s amusement parks are under attack! Sadly it isn’t a righteous jihadist terrorizing these beloved heathen family fun pastimes with an automatic weapon and a backpack full of explosives, but rather something far more sinister… brazen celebrity sluts!
As you can see from the photos below, Bella Thorne is the latest celebrity to prostitute her body in a completely inappropriate outfit at an amusement park . Even though she is at a ghetto Six Flags there are still some standards of decorum, and Bella walking around with her puffy nipples clearly visible through her ridiculously short crop top is unacceptable.
Of course showing off her tits like this wasn’t enough for Bella, as she also had to flaunt that she is now a mudshark whore who is banging some black guy. Thank Allah for Bella’s halal looking brunette friend or these nauseating photos would have caused me to puke up my tabbouleh and lamb breakfast all over my keyboard.
Bella Thorne With Her Puffy Nips Out At Six Flags was last modified: April 8th, 2024 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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