Putin Tells Obama To ‘Come Say It To My Face’

Putin Tells Obama To ‘Come Say It To My Face’

Yesterday US President Barack Obama issued a threat to Russian President Vladimir Putin in a speech on the crisis in Ukraine. Obama told Putin “stay out of Ukraine” or there will be “serious consequences“. This threat by Obama reportedly sent Putin into a rage, and earlier today the Kremlin issued this response: Who does Barack ..

Obama Gets Cock Blocked At Mandela Memorial Service

Obama Gets Cock Blocked At Mandela Memorial Service

US President Barack Obama gets cock blocked by his fugly wife Michelle at the Nelson Mandela memorial service. As you can see in the series of photos above, President Obama was running game on Danish prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt (much to the chagrin of his wife) when Michelle forces him to switch seats with her, ..

Obama Meets With Islamic Leaders On Syria

Obama Meets With Islamic Leaders On Syria

President Barack Obama met with Islamic leaders to assure them that he will do everything in his power to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and establish a holy Muslim theocracy in the country. Bashar al-Assad has long been a nuisance in the Islamic world as he was educated in the heathen West in the Jew ..

Celebrity Mashup Videos

Celebrity Mashup Videos

Unfortunately not all Jihad operations can be as successful in their devastation as 9/11 or the picking up of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” for an 8th season. For example when I paid an Albanian merchant to “mashup some celebrities”, the videos below weren’t exactly what I had in mind. However, hopefully they can serve ..

Obama Is Having An Affair With Jennifer Love Hewitt

Obama Is Having An Affair With Jennifer Love Hewitt

President of the United States and devout Muslim Barack Hussein Obama has taken converted Muslim Jennifer Love Hewitt as his concubine. As you can see in the photo above, Jennifer and Obama look quite cozy in a post-coital embrace. Despite being President of the heathen US of A, Barack Obama is still a sub-Saharan abid ..

Obama State Of The Union Speech Leaked To The Internet

Obama State Of The Union Speech Leaked To The Internet

With millions of Americans still caught in the grips of a crippling recession President Barack Obama is preparing to make his 2011 “State of the Union Address” tonight. Many political pundits have speculated that Obama would focus on the economy and job creation, but CelebJihad.com has received an advanced copy of the President’s speech and ..

Obama Grants Wesley Snipes Conditional Pardon

Obama Grants Wesley Snipes Conditional Pardon

Actor Wesley Snipes who is currently serving 3 years in federal prison for tax evasion is about to receive some good news. According to sources in Washington DC, President Barack Obama will be issuing his annual Martin Luther King Day pardon, and this year he is considering giving it to Wesley Snipes. Obama has taken ..

Gary Busey Is Barack Obama’s Top Adviser

Gary Busey Is Barack Obama’s Top Adviser

After just 2 short years in office Barack Obama is already the greatest President the world has ever known. He promised to stop America’s imperialistic wars, and then brilliantly followed up on his promise by continuing and expanding them. He promised to give universal health care to all Americans, and he delivered and some by ..

Obama ‘Brittany Murphy’s Death Why We Need Health Care Reform’

Obama ‘Brittany Murphy’s Death Why We Need Health Care Reform’

In a bold move that all major news outlets are describing as “well-timed”, “brilliant”, and “sexy” (except for Fox News which only characterized it as “mildly genius”) President Obama called an emergency press conference out on the White House lawn to lament the death of actress Brittany Murphy, and put her untimely demise squarely on ..

Angelina Jolie Hates Obama

Angelina Jolie Hates Obama

US Weekly is reporting that Angelina Jolie can not stand Barack Obama. A source close to Angelina is quoted as saying, “She hates him… She’s into education and rehabilitation and thinks Obama is all about welfare and handouts. She thinks Obama is really a socialist in disguise… Angie isn’t Republican, but she thinks Obama is ..

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize For Murdering Impoverished Pirates

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize For Murdering Impoverished Pirates

President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize for Peace. The Nobel committee sited Obama’s deep commitment to shooting impoverished Somali pirates in the head as the determining factor in awarding him the prize. “Sure his theoretical achievements such as closing Guantanamo Bay or ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are impressive,” ..

Obama Calls Kanye West The N-Word

Celeb Jihad has obtained the exclusive audio of President Barack Obama calling Kanye West a “n-word” for interrupting Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech during the VMAs. The audio was recorded just before Obama went on camera to do an interview with CNBC. Before the interview began, Obama was asked about Kanye and said “I thought that ..

Obama Names His Secretary of Defense‏

Obama Names His Secretary of Defense‏

Barack Obama has named his Secretary of Defense… and he’s a Colonel! In a move that will surely shake up the status quo in Washington, Barack Obama chose Colonel Sanders to be his Secretary of Defense. This is a bold selection that will set the tone for Obama’s new international relations agenda. Col. Sanders is ..

I have a bone to pick with…Oprah Winfrey

I have a bone to pick with…Oprah Winfrey

Welcome to the inaugural edition of B. Rock Hussein’s column, A Bone to Pick. B. Rock, is a man about town who isn’t afraid to share his opinions.  By “about town” we mean the employee lounge at the South Shore Care Center in Oxnard, CA, where he now works as an orderly.  By opinions we ..

Hollywood Abandons Obama for Lemon Party

Hollywood Abandons Obama for Lemon Party

West Hollywood, CA – With the Democratic National Convention well underway, Senator Barack Obama finds himself losing many high-profile celebrity endorsers to an unlikely rival: the Lemon Party. David Geffen, Joel Schumaker, and Richard Chamberlain are just a few of the Hollywood heavyweights who have abandoned their traditional support for Democrats to join the little ..

Obama Takes Slight Dip In Polls

The latest CelebJihad.com presidential tracking poll shows Illinois Senator Barrack Obama’s poll numbers dipping slightly over the weekend, with Arizona Senator John McCain gaining .00000000000000000000002%. In unrelated news, a recent poll shows that the Church of Scientology has seen a 25% decline among African-Americans. Special thanks to Joe S. and John P. for help with ..

Obama wows children, grandchildren of Nazis

Berlin (CelebJihad.com) – More than 200,000 descendants of the Third Reich lined the streets of Berlin yesterday hoping to catch a glimpse of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. The awe-struck crowd, desperately trying to alleviate its collective guilt by listening to a black man speak, seemed completely enthralled by the highly charismatic leader. “Here I ..