With the UFC set to have one of its biggest events ever this weekend when the Canadian homoqueer Georges St-Pierre rolls around with the British homofag Michael Bisping in the Octagon, now is certainly an opportune time to reflect on the UFC’s most famous ring girl Arianny Celeste’s complete collection of nude photos below.
Frankly us powerful Muslim men don’t see why MMA fans like this Arianny Celeste skank so much, for we could easily kick her ass by taking off our sandal and back-slapping her across the face with it before throwing her in the “camel clutch”, breaking her back, and making her humble.
Besides when watching two muscular sweaty men in tight shorts grappling with one another the last thing anyone wants to see is some brazen Jezebel parading around the ring with her sinful feminine sex organs on display announcing the round number. Especially since that task could be easily accomplished by a donkey… Or any other equally appealing farm animal.
Arianny Celeste Nude Photos Colletion was last modified: April 6th, 2024 by Durka Durka Mohammed
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