Anna Kendrick Flashes Her Tit While Muslims Wait On France To Surrender

Anna Kendrick tit

Actress Anna Kendrick raises her white t-shirt in surrender while flashing her titty in the photo above.

Of course the big news story of the day is Islam’s latest glorious victory over the West, when Muslim gunmen stormed the blasphemous anti-Muslim newspaper “Charlie Hebdo” in Paris and killed 12 apostates. France would be wise to follow Anna Kendrick’s example in this photo and raise something white, and accept their subjugation for they stand no chance against our Muslim hordes who their liberal idealists have invited to invade their lands.

However, just like Anna Kendrick the French should know that there will be no leniency shown, and those who believed they had the “freedom” to insult Islam, whether it be through mocking newspaper articles like in the case of “Charlie Hebdo” or with the exposing of sinful feminine flesh as in the case of Anna Kendrick, will meet with swift and severe Muslim justice. For Islam can only be the religion of peace when the infidel menace has been wiped from the earth, and anyone who stands in our way is nothing but a hateful racist.

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