Alicia Silverstone Nude Scene From “The Crush” Enhanced

Alicia Silverstone nude

The video below features Alicia Silverstone’s nude scene from the 1993 film “The Crush” remastered and enhanced in high definition.

Of course only in the hopelessly homoqueer heathen West would a hot teen girl craving the cock of her older male neighbor be the basis for a horror film… For even though in the civilized Islamic world this film would still have been titled “The Crush”, it would be because us virile Muslims smashed Alicia’s sphincter hole with our meats scuds and then buried her under the Sharia stones of justice…

Alicia Silverstone nude

Which should of happened a long time… As Alicia would go on to flaunt her bare bottom again later on in life (as you can see in the photos above), but it was not even close to the quality that it was from her taut tush teen years in the early 1990’s.

Alicia Silverstone ass

However with that said, it is clear that with the amount of posterior parading Alicia Silverstone does, she is certainly an anal obsessed backdoor beauty to this very day.

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