Alia Shawkat And Laia Costa Nude Lesbian Sex Scenes From “Duck Butter”

Alia Shawkat Laia Costa nude sex

The video below features Alia Shawkat and Laia Costa’s nude and graphic lesbian sex scenes from the film “Duck Butter”.

“Duck Butter” has been credited with providing an accurate representation of a blasphemous lesbodyke relationship… And after seeing this video I’d have to agree, for the horrendous sex would explain why all lesbians are such miserable cunts.

Alia Shawkat nude

Besides even if Laia Costa didn’t have to fiddle her own sin bean to get off; being in a sexual relationship with a fugly slut like Alia Shawkat (who’s titties look like a couple of tennis balls hanging inside of some old gym socks) would put anyone in a bad mood.

I mean just look at Alia masturbating in the nude webcam video above which was recently obtained by Iranian Intelligence. What sort of twisted and depraved individual would actually enjoy seeing this sickening sight?

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