Alessandra Ambrosio Nude Photos Book

Alessandra Ambrosio nude

Victoria’s Secret supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio recently shocked the world with her announcement that she was going to be releasing a book, as she is a vapid twit who is almost certainly illiterate… But as you can see from the excerpts in the gallery below, Alessandra Ambrosio’s “book” consists almost entirely of her posing for nude photos.


Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio
Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio
Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio
Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio

They say that if you give an infinite amount of monkeys a large enough time typing on typewriters that they will eventually write Shakespeare… But it would only take one monkey about 45 minutes with a scalpel and a pile of poop to recreate Alessandra’s Rio de Janeiro back-alley boob job.

Yes, Alessandra’s nude literary work is certainly no masterpiece like the holy Qur’an or even the popular Islamic children’s book “Green Eggs And Muhammed”… But with that said, seeing Alessandra’s sloppy old titties should help with bowel movements, making this book excellent bathroom reading material… So if you are still stopped up be sure to check Alessandra’s other set of nude photos here.

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