Rihanna Shows Off Her Enhanced Tits And Ass

Rihanna tits ass

Washed-up pop star turned slutty lingerie peddler, Rihanna shows off her recently enhanced tits and ass in the video clip below.

While butt flaps are certainly necessary in women’s clothing (as all of my wives’ burkas have them for convenience when squatting to defecate in the fields and for surprise anal sessions with yours truly), Rihanna’s immodestly bulbous brown boobies are completely uncalled for… Especially considering her previous milk sacks were adequate, as you can see from the newly discovered topless outtake photos below.


Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna
Rihanna Rihanna Rihanna

Yes, Rihanna’s previous breast bags provided more than enough room to attach a leash, and so the fact that she decided to pay to stuff them full of fried chicken grease just goes to show that this Sub-Sharan she-beast has more money than sense… Which of course would probably be true even if she was still on welfare.

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