Christina Aguilera Shows Her Nipples
Look at these pictures of Christina Aguilera showing off her nipples. ‘Who’ you say? Christina Aguilera you know the pop singer who use to be considered edgy before Lady Gaga came along. ‘Oh right’ you say nodding along even though you obviously have no idea who I am talking about.
Christina Aguilera is obviously desperate to regain her lost fame and title of “trashiest pop star” from her arch rival Lady Gaga. However, just showing a pair of well used nipples is not going to cut it anymore Christina.
For one thing Lady Gaga has already done that and she has raised you a dick. So unless Christina is hiding a monster c*ck in her pants that isn’t her husband’s or one of her big black bodyguards then she is out of luck.
Nice try Christina Aguilera but Lady Gaga is still top pop whore. Tuck those tired old nipples away the world isn’t interested any more.
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