Yanet Garcia Jiggles Her Ass In A Thong

Yanet Garcia thong ass

Former Mexican weathergirl turned superstar thot Yanet Garcia jiggles her world famous ass meat in a thong in the compilation video below.

Believe it or not, Yanet currently resides in the great Satan United States of America. For despite the Orange Sultan Trump’s promise to eradicate the Mexican menace from their lands, high value whores like Yanet have been granted special PG (pussy grabbing) visas.

Yanet Garcia thong ass

However, what Sultan Trump fails to realize is that even though Yanet is a prime candidate for pussy grabbing, she is also almost certainly a raging Communist who will vote against him in the next election. For like all South American sluts Yanet is a no good layabout who is addicted to the socialist handouts she grew up with in her native shithole country.

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