Antje Koch Full Frontal Nude Scene From “Pastewka”

Antje Koch nude

The video below features German actress Antje Koch’s full frontal nude scene from the TV series “Pastewka”.

This nude scene appears to be a part of some sort of dream sequence in which Antje imagines that she is out in public completely naked… Of course this is an extremely common dream to have, for us pious Muslims also often have nightmares about Antje’s nude body.

However, since this TV series is filmed in Germany it is entirely possible that this nude scene is simply a normal part of the show. For the Germans’ degeneracy knows no bounds, and while our superior raced Muslim invaders refugees are working overtime to cultural enrich the country with the teachings of the blessed Prophet (PBUH)… True and lasting change can not come until we implement our “final solution”, and purge the caliphate of Germanistan of its base heathen native inhabitants.

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