Rosario Dawson Gets Naked For Her Birthday

Rosario Dawson nude

In what is perhaps the most pathetic act of celebrity online attention whoring and validation seeking to date, actress Rosario Dawson shares the photo above and video clip below of her naked body to celebrate her 39th birthday.

Seeing a nude nigress is bad enough, but having to witness a Sub-Saharan slut as old as Rosario prostituting her primitive flesh like this is beyond sickening. This decrepit skank needs to pack up her geriatric titties and dilapidated ass, and head back to the savage African savanna where these types of grotesque sights are commonplace.

Of course this isn’t the first time that we have seen Rosario Dawson naked, for who could forget the full frontal nude scene above from the movie “Trance”. I for one must admit that her silky smooth she-boon piss flaps still haunt my dreams to this day.

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