Miley Cyrus Can Not Wait To Get Naked

Miley Cyrus naked

In a recent interview with the BBC, Miley Cyrus was asked if she would ever do a nude scene in a movie. Her response was,

“It depends what the film is,” she said. “If it’s something that’s classy – it just depends on the circumstances.”

In celebrity talk that is a very eager “Yes I can not wait to get naked” by Miley. And as luck would have it I just happen to have written an extremely classly script with Miley Cyrus specifically in mind for the lead role.

It is about a classly piece of redneck trash with absolutely no talent who becomes famous and will do anything to stay in the limelight. However, there is a very classy scene in which Miley’s character would classily take a big black classy c*ck in her classy classhole.

The film is tentatively titled “The Story of Classy McClass: Gap My Classy Ass”. I’m hoping if I can just get Miley to sign on to the project we’ll be able to get the funding to have this classy movie made.

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