Melissa Johnston Nude Shower Scene From “Barely Legal”

The video above features Melissa Johnston’s nude masturbation shower scene from the film “Barely Legal”.

This Melissa Johnston nude scene might as well have been a public service announcement on the dangers of not circumcising girls. For any woman with an unshorn sin slit will succumb to the Satanic act of self-pleasure, as females are weak-willed degenerates by their very nature.

Yes it is clear from this video that Melissa Johnston desperately needs a sharpened scimitar taken to her overactive sex bits. Allah willing once her loins are nothing more than a mangled mass of desensitized scar tissue she can finally begin conducting herself as a proper lady, and live a virtuous life humbly serving at the heel of a powerful Muslim man by scrubbing his floors, fetching water from the well, and tongue bathing his mighty meat scud on command.

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