Katy Perry Naked With Her Legs Spread

Katy Perry naked

Pop star Katy Perry poses naked with her legs spread open in the disturbing photo above.

The timing of this latest Katy Perry nude photo is curious, as Katy’s good pal Hillary Clinton is currently tanking in the Presidential polls. However, if Katy thinks that by spreading her legs on camera like this she can make a diseased irritated old cunt look attractive to voters she is sorely mistaken.

Just like sickly Hillary, Katy Perry’s days on this earth are numbered, for when Islam finishes conquering the West there will be no corrupt FBI director to pardon Katy for her numerous crimes against morality. For the righteous stones of justice hold no political bias, and the eternal hellfire awaits all women who defy Allah’s will. So Katy can try politicking with her private bits all she wants, for in the end us Muslims will not be casting votes we will be casting stones.

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