Kylie Jenner In A Thong And Assless Chaps

Kylie Jenner thong

Kylie Jenner shows off her mudshark booty while posing in a thong and assless chaps in the photos below from the new issue of Interview magazine.

This Kylie Jenner photo shoot is certainly provocative, for not only does Kylie reveal her cripple fetish (abasiophilia), but she also appears to be wearing her dad Brucelyn’s new favorite outfits including his best pair of assless chaps.

Yes at 18-years-old Kylie Jenner is already pushing the boundaries of sexual taboos in the hopelessly depraved infidel West with this photo shoot. With a mom who pimped her ass out to a greasy old rapper to boast the ratings on their reality TV show during sweeps, and a dad who was more interested in sodomizing himself with his secret stash of stilettos then what she did with her life, it is no surprise that Kylie Jenner turned into the degenerate skank we see below in these photos as she never had a shot at living a moral life… Of course us Muslims are still going to lapidate her the first chance we get anyway.


Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner
Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner

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