Britney Spears Surprisingly Not Terrible In A Bikini

Britney Spears bikini

67-year-old pop star Britney Spears shows off her dilapidated body in a bikini in the surprisingly not terrible photos below.

Despite being as old as dirt and spending most of her youth being rode hard and put up wet by every executive in the music industry, Britney Spears does not look completely repulsive in these new candid bikini beach pics.

In fact, a Muslim with particularly bad eyesight and seriously impaired judgement from ingesting a large quantity of fermented yak’s milk, may even dump a load in Britney’s mouth with her looking like this. Britney would be wise to keep a jug of 180 proof Muhammad Moonshine on hand at all times just in case the opportunity ever presents itself, for getting her tonsils whitewashed with potent Islamic spunk would surely help her singing immeasurably… not to mention keep her digestive tract regular for weeks to follow which at her age is vital.


Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears
Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears
Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears
Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears
Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears
Britney Spears Britney Spears Britney Spears

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