Miley Cyrus Selling See Thru Stockings

Miley Cyrus stockings

Miley Cyrus has just signed on to be the spokeswoman for “Golden Lady” stockings, and she appears topless in an advertisement for the company while showing off her ass in a pair of their see through red stockings in the photos below.

Selling stockings was a natural fit for Miley Cyrus as it combines her two great passions of whoring her body, and making obscene amounts of money from promoting degeneracy. Of course stockings are the most useless and blasphemous garments ever invented. What is the point of a linen covering a woman’s shameful body if you can just see right through it?

Every Muslim knows that the sinful female frame needs to tucked away under a thick coarse burka to keep the lustful djinns it emits from infecting innocent men causing them to degrade themselves with rape. Stockings have been shown by Islamic scientists in Riyadh to actually increase the emission of these djinns, so by selling stockings throughout the Western world Miley Cyrus has opened the door for us pious Muslims to blamelessly forcefully penetrate the large number of women we see wearing them.


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