Hayden Panettiere Mocks Jesus While In A Frumpy Swimsuit

Hayden Panettiere swimsuit

Hayden Panettiere mocks the Christian Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by performing his most impressive miracle of walking on water, all while wearing a frumpy black swimsuit.

Leave it to a Jew God like Jesus to be outdone by a chunky Hayden Panettiere a mere two thousand years later. The fact that Christians still worship the puny hippie Jesus, speaks volumes about why the Zionist were able to conquer and completely control them.

Of course the miracles performed by the Prophet Muhammad will never be outdone by Hayden Panettiere or anyone else for that matter, because his miracles were truly something special. While Jesus was walking on water, baking bread, and fingering lepers, Muhammad was moving mountains, single-handedly killing thousand of Jews, and banging tons of hot women. Let us see Hayden Panettiere try to do any of that, swimsuit or not.


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