Cameron Diaz Revolting Old Lady Bikini Pics

Cameron Diaz bikini

Cameron Diaz flaunts her revolting decrepit withered old lady body in the bikini pics below.

Only in the infidel West would a barren hag like Cameron Diaz be allowed to occularly assault us in a bikini with impunity. Cameron has committed egregious harm with her exposed dilapidated frame, not only to my pious Muslim aesthetic, but also to my digestion as I feel the smoked goat’s meat and fermented yak’s milk turning in my stomach.

If the West was truly the just place it claims to be then Cameron Diaz would pay dearly for this nauseating bikini display. Of course Cameron will not be punished, and will instead be praised by feminists and manginas for being proud of her sickeningly haggard body.


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