Victoria Justice Is Having A Gender Identity Crisis

Victoria Justice cross dresser

Nickelodeon star and sexual degenerate Victoria Justice is in the middle of a full blown gender identity crisis. As you can see in the photo above, Victoria Justice is molesting a woman while dressed up as her male alter-ego US Air Force veteran Victor Ramos.

It is not surprising that Victoria Justice has gender confusion, considering she grew up without the guiding light of Islam in the heathen US of A. In the West women like Victoria Justice are indoctrinated with dangerous ideas like literacy, feminism, and waxing. Add to that the fact that nearly all Western men are emasculated homosexuals, and you can see how gender issues like Victoria Justice’s can easily arise.

The only cure for Victoria Justice’s gender identity crisis is for her to convert to Islam and wear the burka. Once she shows herself as a dutiful woman who loves and honors Allah, a Muslim man will take pity on her and allow her to dig his wells, rear his children, and fellate his meat stick thus teaching Victoria Justice what it is to be a woman.

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