Sharon Stone and Hulk Hogan’s Karma Convo

sharon stone Hey Hulk how are you doing hun?
hulk hogan Not so good brother.
sharon stone Aww are you still upset about the negative PR you got for suggesting that the war veteran passenger in the car your speeding drunk driving son crashed putting him in a permanent vegetative state must of had bad karma?
hulk hogan Yeah that and the fact that all these years of taking my “vitamins” have left me with tiny mouse balls.
sharon stone Oh Hulk small potatoes just make the steak look bigger. And I think you were absolutely in the right in calling out that kid for having bad karma. I recently got in a bit of hot water myself when I suggested that the tens of thousands of “innocent” Chinese that were crushed to death in a earthquake had it coming because of all the bad karma from their government not allowing my friend the Dalai Lama to have his own country.
hulk hogan What! That’s ridiculous! Of course that was karma! How can the public give you shit for that? It’s almost like they’ve never seen My Name is Earl.
sharon stone I know! It’s a fantastic show and I’ve learned a lot from it. After seeing it I looked back over my life and realized what an important role karma has played in it.
hulk hogan How so?
sharon stone Well in high school I got in a bit of trouble when one of the guys I was fucking knocked me up. It was awful it made me gain all this weight. Those nine months were a living hell. Every time I went out drinking or tried to do some blow I’d get sick, or the baby would kick like crazy. Not to mention I didn’t have my period once during the pregnancy, so I’m pretty sure it was drinking my menstrual blood.
hulk hogan A vampire baby! I’ve heard about those.
sharon stone Yep but you know what Hulk? All that bad karma that little guy was building up came back and bit him in the ass when I gave birth and threw him in a dumpster.
hulk hogan KARMA!
sharon stone Big time! Hahaha!
hulk hogan You know my soon to be ex-wife Linda is suffering through some bad karma right now.
sharon stone Oh yeah?
hulk hogan Yeah brother. When I married her 20 years ago she was hot and thin, but throughout our marriage she’s gradually gotten uglier and fatter.
sharon stone Ought ohh that is not good for her karma.
hulk hogan Tell me about it. So I cheated on her a lot and karma got her good when she found out about it and filed for divorce.
sharon stone K-A-R-M-A!!!
hulk hogan Poor woman will never find another guy with 24 inch pythons.
sharon stone Oh Hulk all this karma talk is making me super wet. Want to fist my gaping stink hole?
hulk hogan You got it brother.

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