Melissa Benoist In Her Grandma’s Bikini At The Beach

Melissa Benoist bikini

Melissa Benoist shows up on the beach in her grandmother’s bikini in the candid photos below.

Melissa has become a feminist icon of sorts thanks to her hit show “Supergirl”. Of course like all women who become infected with the blasphemous bug of feminism Melissa is now rapidly losing her looks, as you can see from her flaunting her dumpy ass and small tits in this very unflattering bikini.

Perhaps if feminists like Melissa Benoist didn’t spend all day sitting around flicking their sin beans while yapping about how “empowered” they are they wouldn’t have such horrible bodies, and they would realize they need to put some effort into their appearance. Take our truly empowered Musliminas for example, without the need to constantly virtue signal by parroting bullshit feminist ideals they are free to spend their days tightening up their impressive rumps with intense manual labor while looking exquisite in their flowing black wool burkas.


Melissa Benoist Melissa Benoist Melissa Benoist
Melissa Benoist Melissa Benoist Melissa Benoist
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