Kaley Cuoco Completely Topless Magazine Outtake

Kaley Cuoco boobs

“The Big Bang Theory” star Kaley Cuoco shows off her bare breasts in the topless outtake photo above.

Clearly this outtake came from a photo shoot for the magazine “Overrated Celebrity Skanks Monthly”, as the sight of Kaley’s Jewy face and sad sagging tit meat are about as sexy as a constipated camel straining to take a shit… Actually that is not a fair comparison to the camel.

Yes this topless magazine outtake simply confirms what us pious Muslims have long known, which is that Kaley Cuoco has no redeeming qualities. When Islam finally finishes conquering the West, Kaley and the other low value infidels will be sent to toil their remaining days away performing hard labor in the salt mines… And if she fails to meet her daily quota you better believe that a powerful swipe of the foreman’s scimitar will provide the only Kaley Cuoco topless display us Muslims actually want to see.

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