Selena Gomez Swimsuit Candids From Miami Beach

Selena Gomez swimsuit

Selena Gomez has once again cut back on the enchiladas, as she shows off her newly trimmed down body in the candid swimsuit photos below from Miami Beach.

Selena has exhibited tremendous will power to keep from becoming the bloated welfare recipient Mexican baby factory we know that her genetics make her predisposed to be. However, one must wonder how long Selena can continue to resist her innate urges to gain 75lbs, shit out anchor babies, and blow donkeys for tequila stained pesos.

Yes these new swimsuit photos show that Selena Gomez is in an epic struggle to restrain her Mesoamerican traits. Now that she has tightened up again, Selena would be wise to seek employment in a virile Muslim’s harem. For only the firm hand of a powerful Muslim man and the occasional (i.e. daily) whipping with stiff Nile reeds will be able to keep Selena in line for the long haul.


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