Rachel Bilson Shows Some Deep Cleavage

Rachel Bilson cleavage

“Hart of Dixie” star Rachel Bilson shows some seriously deep cleavage in the photos below.

How dare Rachel Bilson emerge from her cavernous dwelling with her shameful ideally shaped lady tits on full display like this. Living in a pitch black cave is no excuse for exposing contemptible female flesh, as Allah sees all and is certainly repulsed by Rachel’s perky milk wagons both in the light of day and deep within the earth.

I fought alongside many brave Jihadist women in the caves of Tora Bora, and even when the infidel American crusaders firebombed our position they never tried to remove their burkas and were burnt to a crisp with dignity. Rachel Bilson should follow the example of those courageous Musliminas… not by wearing a burka as it is too late for that, but by dropping dead in a cave.


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