New Rihanna Nude Cell Phone Pics Leaked

Rihanna nude

Rihanna just had the nude cell phone photos below leaked to the Web.

Of course this is the second time that Rihanna has had nude photos leaked online. The first time was years ago when she was first dating Chris Brown (before he put her in her place), and can be seen here.

These latest Rihanna nude leaked pics, are certainly much more graphic then her first set, as Rihanna’s whorish nature appears to be increasing exponentially with age. Scientists at the “Celeb Jihad Research Center” in Tehran have warned that at her current rate of increasing depravity Rihanna will eventually transform into one giant semen filled orifices before collapsing upon itself and releasing a massive amount of STDs in a violent explosion known as a “superwhoreva”. Let us hope us Muslims can lapidate Rihanna before its too late.


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