Lindsay Lohan’s Saggy Tits Are The Epitome Of High Fashion

Lindsay Lohan lingerie

Lindsay Lohan strips down and shows off her saggy tits in a corset and lingerie in the photos below from the new issue of Homme Style, a top French fashion magazine.

Of course it is not surprising to see an old junky whore like Lindsay Lohan representing high fashion in the infidel West, as their Zionist controlled culture celebrates all forms of depravity. In fact, a herpes sores and track mark ridden slut like Lindsay Lohan is the perfect poster child for all Western liberal democratic capitalist societies, and their appealing to the basest aspects of human nature either to acquire votes or sell shoddy Chinese made goods.

Thank Allah that in the civilized Islamic world we have the good sense to protect high culture, taste, and decency with caliphates and Sharia law. With these Lindsay Lohan pictures epitomizing the Western ideals of liberal freedom, is it any wonder that us righteous Muslims are gladly willing to give up our lives to prevent it from spreading and defiling our holy lands?


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