Kendall Jenner In A Swimsuit And Out With Her Puffy Nipples

Kendall Jenner swimsuit

Kendall Jenner continues her descent within the ranks of the Kardashian clan, as she has now been relegated to posing in a swimsuit with her half-sister, the she-beast Khloe Kardashian.

Clearly Kendall’s decision to not get AIDS by banging black guys, and to not get clownish plastic surgery performed on her backside has alienated her from her mudshark gypsy whore relatives. No doubt Kendall will soon be locked away in a LA apartment with her obese half-brother Rob stuffing Swiss Cake Rolls down their bloated gullets while complaining about what a bitch their mother is.

Yes despite her best efforts to make mama-san Kris proud, even going as far as to tweak her puffy nipples before heading out braless in a crop top in the photos below, Kendall just can not compete with her sister Kylie for mom’s love in the form of her public relations connections. For Kylie is her mother’s perfect creation, a coal burning whore of perfect proportions, thus Kendall never stood a chance.


Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner
Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner
Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner
Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner
Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner Kendall Jenner

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