Jennifer Love Hewitt Got Butt Implants

Jennifer Love Hewitt butt implants

It appears as though converted Muslim Jennifer Love Hewitt has enhanced her backside with butt implants.

Normally us Muslims prefer our women to develop their posteriors the natural way by pulling the plow and digging wells. However, a woman of Jennifer Love Hewitt’s advanced age must maximize her booty potential quickly if she wants to remain employed as an anal concubine for us virile Muslim men.

Unlike the whore Kim Kardashian who’s butt implants are stuffed with fried chicken skin and watermelon seeds, Jennifer Love Hewitt used Islam approved butt implants which are filled with humus that was blessed by an imam.

Thus Jennifer’s ass now has the added benefit of emiting the pleasing aroma of chickpeas while providing a spiritual calm when getting stretched by a mighty Muslim’s meat sword.

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