Candice Swanepoel’s Accidental Nipples In Lingerie Photo Shoot

Candice Swanepoel lingerie

Someone at Victoria’s Secret accidentally forgot to airbrush out Candice Swanepoel’s nipples in the lingerie photo shoot below.

This mistake is completely understandable, as being a Victoria’s Secret photo editor is probably one of the worst and most high stress jobs in the world. Can you imagine sitting at a computer day in and day out looking at unedited photos of Victoria’s Secret models like Candice Swanepoel with their sinful nipples and blasphemous baby caves on full display? I for one shudder at the mere thought of such an existence.

With Victoria’s Secret increasing their lingerie depravity for the Christmas holiday and into Valentine’s day, it is no wonder that nipples and vaginal mounds are starting to slip through the cracks, as the brave photo editing souls who try to spare us such degeneracy begin to wear down and crack under the enormous pressure of this avalanche of super model smut.


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