AT&T Spokeswoman Milana Vayntrub Topless

Milana Vayntrub Att

Brothers, I think we can all relate to this. You are at home relaxing and watching TV when all of a sudden the smart mouthed big tittied Milana Vayntrub pops up on the screen in an ad for AT&T and proceeds to ruin the mood, as her sarcastic tone and bulbous tit meat send you into a righteous rage.

You then smash the television, call for your fifth wife, and then beat her mercilously as you unleash the pent-up aggression that Milana has stirred inside of you. Needless to say afterwards you feel bad… for the television, for it did not deserve the abuse you leveled upon it. Yes it is Milana who should have to pay for her crimes, and now she is taunting us further by finally showing off her bare boobs in the topless photo below.

Milana Vayntrub topless

Clearly Milana is an enemy of Islam, and she will not stop offending us pious Muslims with her girl next door looks and ample bosom. However, we must turn this negative into a positive, and use the sight of Milana’s busty breasts as motivation to Jihad harder than ever.

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