Ariana Grande Dressed As A Slutty Cheerleader At The NBA All-Star Game

Ariana Grande shakes her tight little booty while performing at the NBA All-Star game dressed as a slutty cheerleader in the video above.

Of course Ariana is a confirmed mudshark whore, so it is not surprising to see her on the prowl trying to entice basketball players to stretch her orifices with their big black cocks.

Yes there were almost certainly more balls bouncing off of Ariana Grande’s chin and ass then there were on the court after this depraved performance, as numerous NBA stars (probably) took turns slam dunking in Ariana’s lady holes before passing her off to an open teammate. It is just a shame that Ariana Grande wasn’t around to try this stunt during the tougher 1980’s NBA, as guys like Charles Oakley and Xavier McDaniel would have torn her up for good.


Ariana Grande Ariana Grande Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande Ariana Grande Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande Ariana Grande Ariana Grande

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