Amanda Seyfried Retro Bikini Pics For W Magazine

Amanda Seyfried

“Mean Girls” and “Letters to Juliet” star Amanda Seyfried pays tribute to the sluts that came before her by wearing retro bikinis in the pictures below from W magazine.

It is important to Hollywood whores like Amanda Seyfried that they remember their roots. It is hard to believe but their was a time not too long ago when actresses could only get attention by posing nearly nude in bikinis such as these, and leaking naked pictures of themselves getting fisted by black guys was considered gauche.

Of course times have changed a lot since then, and now the more depraved an act a celebrity is “caught” doing the more popular they become. However, that would not have been possible without the trailblazing “feminist” hussies who convinced the Western world that a woman prostituting her body was “empowering”. Like all actresses, Amanda Seyfried is certainly in their debt.


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